Hot Off the Presses! New Flood Maps in Effect!
As of January 29th, 2021, there are new flood maps in effect. Why is this important? Flood maps drive building code (i.e. how high structures should be built) and also flood insurance premiums. The premiums of many homeowners in the Charleston area will be improved by these maps, which are derived from a 16 year study of weather patterns.
How can you get information about your flood zone? You may have an elevation certificate which is the document that insurance companies use to determine your flood insurance premium. Your insurer could also provide you with this information. Or look up your new flood zone here:
Picture courtesy of the Post and Courier
Insert your home address into the search box
Your flood zone and elevation are overlaid on the map that appears. It also indicates if there has been a revision to your map.
* Or go to and follow the link from there.